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INCPAS Award Nominations

The Society's annual awards program is your opportunity to recognize outstanding individuals or organizations within the CPA profession. Nominate your colleagues for the following awards.

Nominees will be recognized at CPA Celebration on November 21, 2025, at The Crane Bay Event Center in downtown Indianapolis. Winners chosen by the Award Selection Committee will be announced and honored that evening. 

The nomination deadline is August 1, 2025.




This award honors an individual or organization that has advocated on behalf of the CPA profession by working with the INCPAS advocacy team, legislators and/or regulatory officials. Does not have to be an INCPAS member.


This award honors an individual who has overcome significant challenges or adversity in their path to professional success. Must be an INCPAS member.

Emerging Leaders

This award honors up-and-coming leaders in the profession — examples of leadership can be for their employer, clients and/or the community. Must be a member and under age 35 on December 31, 2024.

INCPAS Volunteer of the Year

This award honors an individual who has gone above and beyond to serve INCPAS in volunteer role(s). Must be an INCPAS member.

Talent Pipeline

This award honors an individual or organization that is building, diversifying and/or retaining talent in the profession. Does not have to be an INCPAS member.


This award honors a transformative individual or organization implementing activities, processes or programs designed to address future issues/needs. Must be an INCPAS member.

Women to Watch

This award honors outstanding long-time or up-and-coming women within the CPA profession. Must be an INCPAS member.

Submit Nomination