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Chair's Perspective: Barry Hall, CPA, CGMA

Feb 7, 2022
INCPAS Chair Barry Hall, CPA, CGMA, talks about his personal and professional goals for 2022.

What would you most like to see INCPAS members accomplish as a profession this year?

Barry Hall, CPA, CGMA

The profession accomplished a lot in the last year. We were an invaluable resource to our clients as they tried to navigate all the issues with the pandemic. We were critical to their understanding of the various relief packages, PPP loans, ERC tax credits and various additional tax incentives and credits. We certainly earned our position as the most trusted advisor! In the coming year, we will again be called upon to help our clients understand the impact of the tax changes the new administration is attempting to get passed. Ours is a great profession and invaluable to the public. We should be proud of our role as CPAs, and I hope we will strive to do a great job of communicating that to students deciding what career to pursue.

What are you most looking forward to working on with your fellow INCPAS board members?

First, INCPAS members should know the Society has an excellent board. They are knowledgeable, committed and engaged in how to help the INCPAS staff continue to make Indiana a great place for CPAs to work. It has been a privilege to work with all of the board members over the last five years. This coming year we will be working on several things. Two of the most notable are working with the Indiana Board of Accountancy to get the rules written so the 120 hours to sit for the CPA Exam legislation that was passed last year can be put into practice, and educating our members on how the AICPA’s CPA Evolution project will work. There is much debate over the benefits (or lack thereof) relative to CPA Evolution, but it is here and is not going away. So, members need to know how the Exam will change, how college curriculum will change, and how that will impact the future for CPAs.

What are you excited to do with your time when you’re not working?

Keeping life in balance is critical to long-term success at work and in relationships. We all need to make sure we take time for our family, friends and ourselves. When I am not at work, I enjoy spending quality (and quantity) time with my wife of nearly 34 years. We have raised our five children and now we are enjoying more time together, just the two of us. I also have two grandkids with whom my wife and I spend as much time as we can. Grandkids are awesome! I enjoy spoiling them when I get the chance. I also make sure I get some exercise in during the week. No more running up and down the basketball court, but there are still plenty of ways to stay active—find something that works for you.

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 Barry Hall, CPA, CGMA,
About the Author

Barry is a managing partner at Kruggel Lawton CPAs in South Bend, where he has worked since 1998. He has been an INCPAS member since 1992. He serves on the Advocacy Council, which works to assess the political, legislative and regulatory environment to identify issues affecting Indiana CPAs, and worked with the CPA Center of Excellence® subsidiary on revitalizing his firm’s strategy, core values, vision and mission statements, and succession planning.