In This Section

Help Guide Your Profession This Year

Whether you are a veteran volunteer or considering volunteering for the first time, your input will be indispensable to fellow members as they continue to navigate significant professional change.



Here are volunteer opportunities for you to share your expertise:


CPA Advocates

Purpose: Establish and maintain an advocacy relationship with legislators on behalf of CPAs; learn about and provide input to Society on legislative and regulatory issues of importance to members.

Term: No limit

No. of Meetings: Participate in advocacy and legislative events throughout the year.

Time Commitment: Usually less than 4 hours per year

Location: Video conference

Government Relations Advisory Council

Purpose: GRAC members set the Society’s legislative agenda and regulatory strategy related to business and license issues. They draft rules and respond to exposure drafts related to licensure and work closely with Board of Accountancy.

Term: Appointed annually by Board

No. of Meetings: 3–4 per year; attendance at Board of Accountancy and other regulatory agency meetings

Time Commitment: 15–20+ hours per year

Location: Video conference

Indiana CPA-Political Action Committee Trustees

Purpose: Trustees oversee PAC fundraising and contributions to political campaigns in accordance with the laws of the state of Indiana

Term: 3 years; approved by Trustees

No. of Meetings: 1–3 per year; some fundraising involvement

Time Commitment: 10–15 hours per calendar year

Location: Video conference

Requirements: Indiana CPA and PAC contributor; approved by Trustees

Tax Resource Advisory Council

Purpose: TRAC members serve as advisors to legislators, their staff and regulatory agencies related to tax. Members work closely with IRS, DOR, DWD and DLGF on issues resolution and initiatives.

Term: Appointed annually by Board

No. of Meetings: 3–4 per year; participation in tax-related meetings with regulatory agencies, review proposed tax legislation, provide subject matter testimony to General Assembly-often during January–April.

Time Commitment: 15–20+ hours per year

Location: Video conference 

Career Awareness for Students

High School CPA Week Presenter

Purpose: CPA Week volunteers help Indiana high school students better understand the career opportunities in the CPA profession. CPAs will share the best parts of their jobs, what an average work day looks like, how they solve problems and what to expect in college. Volunteers roles include live presentations and pre-taped video messages.

Term: May 5–9 and November 3–7

No. of Meetings: CPA Week is hosted in May and November. Volunteers should be available for at least one presentation.

Time Commitment: 1–2 hours per presentation


Ethics Committee

Purpose: It is the mission of the Ethics Committee to promote the ethical practice of the CPA profession through educational and enforcement activities.

Term: 1 year; July 1 through June 30, appointed by the Board

No. of Meetings: 5 meetings per year

Time Commitment: One hour of preparation and one hour of meeting time for each meeting. Members will also be asked to serve on subcommittees to investigate complaints. This requires some research, collaboration with other members and preparation of investigative documents. Members will also be asked to field phone calls from INCPAS members with ethics questions and ethical complaints from the public.

Location: Video conference

Requirements: Possess a current CPA certificate. Be a member in good standing with the Indiana CPA Society. Meet all relevant CPE requirements of the state licensing agency. Be current on all personal and business tax filings. Be in good standing with all relevant regulatory agencies. Possess at least 10 years experience in an accounting related field; some supervisory experience preferred.

Integrated Report Assurance Committee

Purpose: Assure the accuracy of the data in the INCPAS Integrated Report as well as its’ compliance with the framework developed by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).

Term: One-year term, appointed annually by the Board of Directors (re-appointment possible based on interest and need)

No. of Meetings: 1

Time Commitment: 2–4 hours for the meeting and some prep work outside of the meeting

Location: Video conference

Requirements: Knowledge of or interest in integrated reporting.

Scholarship Selection Committee

Purpose: To assist in the review of scholarship applications and make recommendations of finalists to the Educational Foundation Trustees.

Term: 1 year; July 1 through June 30, appointed by the Board

No. of Meetings: 1 meeting per year

Time Commitment: Time to review scholarship applications (varies annually based on number of applicants), and short conference calls as needed.

Location: Video conference

Requirements: Should possess an interest in education and furthering the profession. Must be an INCPAS member.


Young Pros Leadership Academy

Purpose: To create a pipeline of competent, next generation leaders who embrace and promote the Society and the profession within their organizations and communities.

Term: 2-year term

No. of Meetings: Three, one-day meetings held annually in the Indianapolis area

Time Commitment: 40–60 hours

Location: In-person meetings in the Indianapolis area


  • Must be an Indiana CPA Society member, 30 years old or younger
  • Must be a Certified Public Accountant or pursuing the credential


Conference Planning

These project teams will help plan 2025 conferences.

Corporate Finance Forum Project Team

Purpose: Plan a conference for CPAs in corporate finance to address latest updates, pressing issues, evolving standards, the economy and tax issues for corporate CPAs.

Term: 9–12 months prior to conference date (conference held in June)

No. of Meetings: 2–3

Time Commitment: 4–6 hours of pre- and post-conference planning, as well as attendance at the conference

Location: Video conference

Requirements: Experience in topic area of conference required.

CPA Trends Forum Project Team

Purpose: Plan a well-rounded mix of sessions on latest trends, hot topics and emerging technologies impacting the CPA profession to allow CPAs to add value to their firm, organization and/or client.

Term: 9–12 months prior to conference date (conference held in August)

No. of Meetings: 2–3

Time Commitment: 4–6 hours of pre- and post-conference planning, as well as attendance at the conference

Location: Video conference

Requirements: Experience in topic area of conference required.

Indiana Tax Forum Project Team

Purpose: Plan a well-rounded mix of sessions using top tax speakers, providing high-quality updates on common tax areas (multi-state, estate, individual, business, etc.) and will bring sessions on niche tax areas or highly specialized issues.

Term: 9–12 months prior to conference date (conference held in December)

No. of Meetings: 2–3

Time Commitment: 4–6 hours of pre- and post-conference planning, as well as attendance at the conference

Location: Video conference

Requirements: Experience in topic area of conference required.

Not-for-Profit Conference Project Team

Purpose: Plan a well-rounded set of general and breakout sessions to allow CPAs to add value to the not for profit organizations they serve

Term: 6–9 months prior to conference date (conference held in July)

No. of Meetings: 2–3

Time Commitment: 4–6 hours of pre- and post-conference planning, as well as attendance at the conference

Location: Video conference

Requirements: Experience in topic area of conference required

Women's Leadership Forum Project Team

Purpose: Plan a conference that addresses the issues and challenges that women face in the CPA profession. This conference is designed to inspire, encourage and empower women at all career levels and stages of personal growth.

Term: 6–9 months prior to conference date (conference held in September)

No. of Meetings: 2–3

Time Commitment: 4–6 hours of pre- and post-conference planning, as well as attendance at the conference

Location: Video conference

Requirements: Interest in topic area of conference required

