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Transforming Business

The Indiana CPA Society is a statewide professional association representing nearly 6,000 current and aspiring CPAS and related professionals who are transforming business in Indiana. We serve the public interest as well as our members. We function as an advocate for the profession through education, public awareness, government relations and promotion of high ethical standards. Programs and services offered by us are designed to meet the needs that have been identified for our diverse membership.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to enhance the professional success of our members while respecting the public interest; to encourage and facilitate the adherence to high ethical and professional standards; to facilitate relationships that will benefit our members; to promote a better understanding of services rendered by CPAs; and to represent our profession.

Our Value Proposition

The Indiana CPA Society connects, protects and develops all CPAs and aspiring CPAs through trusted relationships and resources. We're with you at every step of your career.


Our Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The Indiana CPA Society represents CPA professionals from multiple races, cultures, creeds, ethnicities, genders, identities and ages. As such, the Society denounces all forms of racism, discrimination and intolerance. Diversity, equity and inclusion are part of our core values, and we expect our staff, leaders and members to act inclusively in their everyday interactions.

Our commitment to increasing diversity, equity and inclusion in the accounting profession is a key component of our ongoing advocacy efforts on behalf of current and future members. To learn more about the Society’s diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives and ways to help effect change, visit CPA Pipeline: Developing a Workforce page for updated news, programs and events.