Note: Our fall CPA IN Perspective magazine will be digital — keep an eye out for new articles in our upcoming communications.

Member promotions, new hires and news from August 8–October 8, 2020.
Chloe Kunkler, staff accountant, Whiting & Company, Muncie.
Arniel Sia, CPA, director of finance – Encamp, Inc., Indianapolis.
Will Claywell, CPA, manager – audit and assurance, Katz Sapper & Miller LLP, Indianapolis.
Caitlyn Creech, senior accountant, Whitinger & Company, LLC, Muncie.
William Curdes, senior, Greenwalt CPAs Inc., Indianapolis.
Todd Decker, CPA, tax manager, Donovan CPAs, Indianapolis.
Megan Durchholz, senior consultant — health care, BKD CPAs & Advisors, Indianapolis.
Trinity Ellis, CPA, manager, Donovan CPAs, Indianapolis.
Ben Irwin, CPA, manager – audit and assurance, Katz Sapper & Miller LLP, Indianapolis.
Spencer King, CPA, audit senior, Alerding CPA Group, Indianapolis.
Christine List, CPA, managing director, Crowe LLP, Indianapolis.
Jaqueline Rosales, CPA, senior, Greenwalt CPAs Inc., Indianapolis.
Felicia Rupp, manager, Greenwalt CPAs Inc., Indianapolis.
Daniel Ryan, CPA, manager – audit and assurance, Katz Sapper & Miller LLP, Indianapolis.
Jacob Sciaudone, CPA, manager – real estate, Katz Sapper & Miller LLP, Indianapolis.
Ellen Skinner, CPA, senior accountant, Whitinger & Company, LLC, Muncie.
Craig Teetsel, CPA, CGMA, MBA, vice president of finance, University of St. Francis, Fort Wayne.
Matt Warner, CPA, manager – audit and assurance, Katz Sapper & Miller LLP, Indianapolis.
Frederick Newman received AICPA’s 2019 Elijah Watt Sells Award.
Alerding CPA Group and Sponsel CPA Group, LLC, named to Indiana Chamber of Commerce 2020 “Best Places to Work” in the Small Companies category.
Baden Gage & Schroeder, LLC, named to
INSIDE Public Accounting (IPA) 2020 “Best of the Best” accounting firms in the nation for fourth consecutive year.
CliftonLarsonAllen (CLA) named to Indiana Chamber of Commerce 2020 “Best Places to Work” in the Major Companies category.
Deming, Malone, Livesay & Ostroff (DMLO) and
Rodefer Moss of Southern Indiana (Rodefer) merged effective October 1, 2020.
Katz Sapper & Miller LLP named to Indiana Chamber of Commerce 2020 “Best Places to Work” in the Large Companies category.
Katz Sapper & Miller LLP names Tim Cook new President & CEO.
The Indiana CPA Society extends condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of the following INCPAS member who recently passed.
Kevin Szirovecz, CPA, CGMA, passed away September 27, 2020.
Do you have an update to share about yourself, a team member or your firm? Send it to Elise May.