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A Family Affair: INCPAS Scholars Become Role Models for Siblings – Elenna & Brandon

Feb 4, 2019
In addition to the Alvarez family (see full feature story), eight other families have participated in the Scholars program. We asked a few of those families about their experiences with the program.

Elenna & Brandon


I am very passionate about giving back. Since INCPAS Scholars provided such beneficial experiences for me, I always try to find any way to reciprocate. That is one reason I strongly pushed for my younger brother Brandon to get involved with the program too.

The best part about seeing him go through the program was hearing stories about his favorite parts and companies he visited. Since I underwent similar experiences, it was fun to hear his personal twist on the situation. Our family would then be able to have a discussion about an experience we both went through.


I consider Elenna one of my role models. She has helped guide me down the right path to start my college career. I feel comfortable calling her about my questions and concerns and I know she will give me helpful advice. When I joined the Scholars program, she told me to not be timid when I talked to business professionals. This helped me immensely because a professional setting can be intimidating.
"I am so proud of both of them, as the Scholars program has developed their self-worth, career direction and interest in accounting that would have otherwise been missed if they had not participated."

Elenna influenced me to join the Scholars program because she would always tell me about the great events she went to and the connections she made. This in turn inspired me to make connections. She also told me about the valuable information she gained about preparing for college, which gave me an advantage as I began to make decisions about my future too.

Jose, Elenna & Brandon's Father

I have always tried to instill in Elenna and Brandon a responsibility towards each other’s success and a sense of team. Elenna has left “footprints in the snow” that her younger brother can follow. I am so proud of both of them, as the Scholars program has developed their self-worth, career direction and interest in accounting that would have otherwise been missed if they had not participated. It prepared them both to gain confidence not only in themselves, but also in each other, as they push forward to their next level of challenges in college.


INCPAS Scholars is an award-winning, free program that encourages students to consider becoming a CPA. The only program of its kind, INCPAS Scholars introduces students to the profession by pairing them with practicing CPAs, touring CPA firms and businesses that employ CPAs, and participating in events to immerse them in the profession. Support the Scholars.

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