Throughout your career, you will likely see plenty of change in your role and responsibilities, whether it is because you get promoted by your current employer or change jobs within the profession.
One constant throughout, though, is the need for strong ethics. As your career evolves, so will the ethical issues you face—which, I’m guessing, was part of the logic in putting a mandatory ethics requirement in the CPE requirements to renew our licenses every three years..
Ethics impacts so many facets of what we do, and as we become leaders in our firms and organizations, we need to set an example for our peers. To that end, INCPAS has several ethics offerings before year-end, including two, free competency-based courses.
Ethics & Artificial Intelligence in Business & Finance Webinar
December 3 | 1–3 p.m. ET | CPE: 2 hours
Understand the challenges of intelligent automation applications and how they will redefine the crucial role of governance and ethics in the AI revolution.
Ethics & Professional Conduct: Updates & Practical Applications
December 14 | 1–4:30 p.m. ET | CPE: 4 hours
Brush up on the AICPA Code of Conduct, including the conceptual framework and independence provisions for nonattest services and other critical matters.
Heartfelt Leadership: How Ethical Leaders Build Trusting Organizations
December 16 | 8:30 a.m.–Noon ET | CPE: 4 hours
Discover how to create a culture, values and incentives that foster and encourage innovation.
FREE CPA Excellence: Ethics Organizational Case Study
Ongoing | Must complete by December 31, 2020 | Fulfills Ethics requirement in Indiana
Learn by examining what happened at Wells Fargo, and how the organization’s culture contributed to such extreme behavior. Consider what different employees, especially those in accounting, could or should have done to prevent the crimes and learn methods to prevent this type of activity.
FREE CPA Excellence: Ethics
Ongoing | Must complete by December 31, 2020 | Fulfills Ethics requirement in Indiana
Learn by exploring stories, scenarios and case studies from the real world, then reference your own experience, previous education and the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.
As lifelong learners, it is important we focus on the education that will help us the most in our careers. I encourage everyone to make sure ethics is a part of your plan by taking the ethics courses that are the most relevant instead of the first ethics courses you see so you can “check the box.” To be a successful leader, you need to set a positive example—and strong ethics are a key building block.