We have shared several stories about our INCPAS Scholars throughout the years. Since many of them have now graduated college, are beginning to pass the CPA Exam, enter the profession and earn their license, we thought it would be fun to follow up with them and see how they are doing.
Sandra Granda, CPA coming soon!
Tax Senior Staff, Crowe
INCPAS Scholar South Bend 2013–14
Attended Manchester University

Sandra is the first of our South Bend INCPAS Scholars to pass the Exam. She is currently working at Crowe, has applied for her license and is waiting for IPLA approval. In the spring of 2017, she was balancing college courses and working two jobs. She shared her biggest “lessons learned” for accounting students and stressed having a support system. Read more in the
CPA IN Perspective magazine article “Been There, Done That.” Sandra’s advice is on page 2 of the PDF.
Sandra updated us on how she is still using her support system and her current career goals:
INCPAS: Congratulations on passing the CPA Exam! We’re so proud of you for making it another step closer to your career goals. The last time we talked, you stressed the importance of relying on your support system when classes and homework became challenging. You wrote, “When you are staring at your textbook at 3 in the morning without a clue on how to approach your homework, just remember the people who are behind you cheering you on.” How did your support system help you as you studied for the CPA Exam and began working at Crowe?
Sandra: I look back at my time in college and think “I could never do that again.” I don’t know what I was thinking working two jobs and doing school full-time for more than two years. No wonder I was up until 3 in the morning! On a more serious note, the people within my support system might have changed when I went from college to working full-time, but my support system is more important now than it has ever been.
I started working on the CPA Exam as soon as I graduated in May 2018, but I didn’t receive my NTS until September. My goal had been to knock out as many sections as possible before I started working in October, but because my NTS was delayed, I chose to enjoy the second half of my summer instead (I met Taylor Swift that summer, by the way). I took each section once and failed them all on the first try. That was probably the greatest reality check for me. At that point, I really turned to my support system for encouragement and advice. I won’t tell you how many times I had to re-take the sections, but each failed score made me doubt my career choice and made me feel incompetent. Had it not been for my family, friends and colleagues’ wise words and encouragement, I don’t know if I would still be working in public accounting. I may not have attempted to pass the Exam again.
My mom and brothers have always been by my side to encourage me and offer their support. Seriously, my mom couldn’t have been prouder when I told her I finally passed the last section of the Exam! My amazing partner has put up with me and all my endeavors over the last 5 years, while keeping me accountable and helping me set realistic goals. My group of friends, old and new, express their excitement when I share any new achievements and give me wise advice when I seek it. We can’t do everything ourselves, so it’s a great feeling to know we have others to rely on.

INCPAS: You’ve passed the CPA Exam and applied for your license. What are your career goals now? Have you shifted any priorities?
Sandra: Although my goals might seem very ambitious, I don’t want to just “have a job” at Crowe. I want to make a difference in any way I can. I was waiting until after I passed the CPA Exam to make a move on this, but I want to get involved with the Diversity and Inclusion initiative within the firm. After busy season, I will do more research to figure out what that entails. I would also like to be more involved within my community through volunteer work. Nothing in the works yet, but I will be seeking opportunities this summer. A new priority I didn’t know the importance of until now is learning to balance my work and personal time. I plan to build a schedule after this busy season that will allow for time to work, give back and enjoy life more.
I don’t want to just “have a job” at Crowe. I want to make a difference in any way I can.
INCPAS: Working in the pandemic has been stressful for many people. In college, you talked about finding comfort and motivation by talking to professors, going to the gym and finding hobbies to relieve your stress. Have you been able to apply the same techniques now that you’re working full time?
Sandra: This is so important. Can you imagine working full time and not finding other hobbies to help you relax when you finally have free time? Once the pandemic began and we started working from home, the last place I wanted to be, when I stopped working, was home. Naturally, I found more outdoor hobbies. I got into hiking, got better at tennis and learned to paddle board. Now that I have passed the CPA Exam, I will probably try learning the guitar.
INCPAS: What is your favorite part of your job?
Sandra: I truly enjoy working with and learning from the people in my office. Most of my clients are within a very specific industry—one that I was able to choose rather than have “assigned” to me. As you can imagine, working with the clients you want and with people you like is a recipe for success! I am very proud to work at Crowe.