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Member Spotlight: Diane Sturek, CPA-inactive, MAcc

Nov 13, 2018

Diane Sturek, CPA-inactive, MAcc

Lecturer in Accounting – Indiana University Kelley School of Business, Indianapolis
Director – INCPAS Board of Directors

Diane Sturek with her accounting students

Tell us who you are with in your picture.

I want to thank the students from my Auditing class who joined me for the picture. These students are mostly seniors who will be graduating in the next year.

What is your favorite part of your job?

Meeting and working with students. I love hearing when they pass the CPA Exam, learning about their varied career paths and knowing they are really enjoying their careers. Every semester I am reminded the future has so much potential.

How do you unwind after a busy day of classes and meetings?

Since my class schedule begins at noon and continues into the evening, I usually start my day with exercise. Some days I spend too much time on Facebook connecting with friends, family and former students. INCPAS President & CEO Jennifer Briggs has some very entertaining posts.

What are you reading right now?

The Courage to Teach” by Parker J. Palmer. The premise of this book is that students learn best from teachers with whom they have a connection and who can connect them to the subject they are studying. I think this idea can also be applied to working with people — both employees and clients.

What is a well-received lesson you taught your students?

A former student (who is an INCPAS member and award winner) told me our discussion during our study of the Code of Professional Conduct in Auditing had the biggest impact on his career. In class we began our discussion of ethics with a case based on a real-life situation. In the case, a new staff auditor lied to the senior about whether they had taken the CPA Exam and was subsequently fired by the firm. Reinforced by the importance of ethical conduct, my former student told his own boss he would never lie to him, even if meant giving him bad news. It’s gratifying to know he is committed to upholding the ethical standards so important to our profession.

What is one of your favorite INCPAS resources?

There is a new network on the CPA Center of Excellence® Online Community that allows educators to share best practices and seek advice. Other INCPAS members are welcome to join and give us suggestions on how to prepare students for the profession.

Email Ali Paul, CAE, at if you would like to join the Educators network.

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