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Member Spotlight: Timothy Wall, CPA, JD

Feb 1, 2018

Timothy "Tim" Wall, CPA, JD

Owner, Timothy H Wall, PC
INCPAS member and Chevy restoration enthusiast

Timothy Wall

How do you unwind after a busy day at the office?

Restoration of classic Chevrolet trucks and Suburbans from 1946 to 1972.


What keeps you up at night?

On my best nights, the owls around our house.


What made you decide to become a CPA?

Counselors at IUPUI suggested it. It was a good route to get to law school.


What advice would you give to someone just starting out in the profession?

Never underestimate the value of your advice in the beginning. Get in front of clients as much as you can.


What’s the best thing you’ve read recently?

"Blokes up North" about two British paratroopers who traveled the Northwest Passage in a small open boat by sail and oar.


How do you think the profession will be different in five years?

The manner in which good business and tax advice is delivered will change, but good advice will still be good advice.


What’s your favorite app and why?

Google Play. The availability of such a broad range of sorted music is invaluable whether in the office or at home.


What’s on your desk right now?

Pudding stone coasters from Drummond Island, Michigan.

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