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Statement from INCPAS Chair, Chair-Elect & CEO on Racism and Recent Events

Jun 5, 2020

We are not ignorant of the intentional or unintentional biases and racism that plague our world. Our profession, more so than many others, has been extraordinarily slow in closing the race gap in our ranks. Whether directly or indirectly, we all have an opportunity to play a role in mending the wounds and filling the voids found in our communities. Recent events should challenge us all to step up and do more within our spheres of influence.

Our profession, more so than many others, has been extraordinarily slow in closing the race gap in our ranks.
In recent years we have chosen to focus on concrete steps to make a difference in people’s lives by expanding the number of underrepresented minorities in the accounting profession. We have raised nearly $300,000 from area firms to support initiatives that have exposed over 1,500 high school minority students to career opportunities in accounting, from professionals that look like them and understand their socioeconomic backgrounds.

Through events like Game On and programs like the INCPAS Scholars program, we are truly striving to make a difference and change the profession. We are building bridges to the profession and we encourage you to support these programs now more than ever by encouraging young potential CPAs to attend, volunteering your time, or contributing to the INCPAS Education Foundation.

The Indiana CPA Society is reaffirming its commitment to diversity and inclusion in the profession. We acknowledge that we do not have all the answers and that the progress we have made thus far is not nearly enough. We will continue to strive for more. In the coming months we will open up additional dialogue and find other ways to continue to advance diversity and inclusion in the profession.


We encourage you to not only support our diversity and inclusion initiatives but also consider joining or donating to the following organizations:


Jennifer Knecht, CPA — INCPAS Chair
Erland Porter, CPA — INCPAS Chair-Elect
Jennifer Briggs, CAE — INCPAS President & CEO

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