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Quote from Jose Castro, CPA, President, ALPFA Indianapolis Chapter

INCPAS collaborates with the Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA) and NABA, Inc. to holistically address accounting pipeline issues and initiatives across the state.



The Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA) is a national nonprofit organization founded in 1972 that provides professional development workshops, career resources, scholarships and events to its members. ALPFA currently has over 92,000 professional and student members across the country. Connect with ALPFA Indianapolis.


NABA, Inc.

NABA, Inc. is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to advancing business leaders in accounting, finance, business and entrepreneurship. Through education, access to resources and meaningful career connections, NABA empowers its members to achieve professional excellence while inspiring future generations of leaders. NABA currently has over 22,000 members nationwide.